Thursday, October 25, 2018

Precision and Patience: The Skills Needed for Concrete Hand Sawing

Take a look around you, and you’ll see the results of concrete hand sawing everywhere. From your home to your local commercial buildings, parks and public areas, professional tradesmen have constructed all of these structures. They’ve followed plans and used their skills to create buildings that almost seem to appear by magic.
And yet there’s a lot to consider when using concrete saws, apart from just the safety aspects.

concrete hand sawing sydney

Concrete Saws are Specialist Tools

When most people think of saws, they think of the typical saws that we use to cut wood. However, saws are used in a variety of industries from vehicle production to cutting the metal mesh rebar that is used for making roads and houses, and of course, for cutting concrete.

The concrete saw is a versatile tool. It’s not just used for cutting concrete but can be used to cut through fences, vehicles and anything else that requires the use of an extremely strong blade. And with the advent of diamond blades, the concrete saw is now a very versatile tool.

concrete floor sawing sydney

But, it should always be remembered that any saw, including a concrete cutting saw, is dangerous when in the wrong hands. This means that they should only ever be used if you have proper training and that you should always, always wear safety goggles when using one. 

Concrete Saws Require Skilled Operators

When concrete needs to be removed, either for replacement or as part of a home improvement, it needs the services of specialists in concrete floor sawing.

Sydney concrete cutting experts know the dangers of using concrete saws, especially if the concrete has been in situ for many years as the older the concrete is, the more difficult it is to cut.

This type of job always requires skilled operators and specialist concrete cutting saws, but most of all it requires precision and patience.

Choosing the Right Saw for The Job

Choosing the right concrete saw for the job depends on the hardness of the concrete. Most concrete cutting saws now have diamonds impregnated into the teeth, and the blades are cooled with water.

This reduces the noise and dust to make them clean and relatively quiet to operate.

Vacuums are often used on other types of saw to remove the concrete dust. The cutting equipment can be powered by electricity, hydraulics, pneumatics or an engine.

There’s No Longer Any Need for Brute Strength

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Why Sealing Concrete is so Important - cuttingin

6 Tips to Increase Your Home’s Value

Are you thinking of moving house? If so, you may want to think about some simple ways of increasing the value of your current home before you put it on the market. With a little imagination and a little expense, you can achieve amazing results that give your home's appearance – and its value – a huge boost.